Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Unbearable Inevitability of Parenthood

For the holiday’s, I love going to the Galleria. The decorations, the hustle and bustle of holiday shoppers and of course, that big giant tree in the middle of the ice-skating rink. It’s even more special now because I get to enjoy it with my son.
So Saturday, we venture over to the cushy foamy play area, where kids run and scream and jump. Even though the rules are posted as no running, or jumping, perhaps that rule is for the parents. So as my son screams around the play area with other screaming 10 month to about six year olds, I sip my Starucks and chat with other parents.
Then I notice something.
This incredibly handsome man walks by the play area. He is Calvin Klein, TV model gorgeous. Tall, deep, dark eyes light naturally curly wavy hair…ok you get it.
As he walked by he glanced over at the commotion of the play area. His face held a light smile; he could not take his off of that kids at play. It was as if he was looking into his future; perhaps he saw himself, standing there, rocking a stroller of twin boys while watching his little girl play. Or maybe he was thinking, "oh God not me." The small bag he had in his hand possibly held the gold band that would forever seal his fate: held hostage at the play area in the Galleria chatting with other parents while his kid screams around the play area with other little screamers.
Once our eyes met I smiled at him and he smiled back.
My smile reassured him. My smiled let him know that at that moment as I watched my son crawl over the slipper play bridge and slide into another kid, that there was no place on earth I would have rather been at that moment.
He took another glance around the play area and then walked on.

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww.maybe one day you'll be there with a Great Nephew of sorts, you used to take me..