Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pisces: Its in the Stars...yeah right!

“Another stellar romantic night could turn out to be New Year's Eve, December 31, when Mars, planet of energy, will meet up with your ruling planet, Neptune. It should be a night filled with music, poetry, and delicious holiday foods, giving this evening a four-star rating.”

---------------------Susan Miller

Key word here is “another”…I’m still waiting on the first “stellar romantic night.”
I want to believe this prediction, really, I do. But come on people! This snippet of my December horoscope only confirms the truth that people have been avoiding for centuries…horoscopes are not reliable or real!
First of all, if I am going to have this “stellar night” in less than two weeks, where the hell is the participating party? Mr. Stellar “Knight” better make him self known fast, if this prediction is to come to fruition.

"...a night filled with music, poetry nd delicious holiday foods..."

Sounds heavenly, the perfect way to end the year right? Yeah well, what that really means is the music will be Butterbean banging on pots and pans with a wooden spoon, poetry...a Dr. Suess book before bedtime and the delicious holiday food: pizza (still hot upon delivery). Yum.

Maybe the real prediction should have read:

“Your New Years Eve will be like every other night. Butterbean will break something, spill something and throw his nightly fit. You’ll watch the news, a Will & Grace rerun and attempt to stay up to watch the ball drop in Time Square, but won’t make it. You will be asleep by 11:00pm.”

Now that is more like it!

To everyone else,

Happy New Year and be safe out there!

1 comment:

Wolf Lover Girl said...

Well if you're up till 11pm then you'll at least make the "first" ball drop! What a better way to spend New Year's than with your little (cough) bundle of joy? :-D

Love ya girl, you'll have a blessed year to come.