Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Lucky Teacher

Lucky are the teachers who have all the resources they need at their finger tips:
For they do not have to rely on co-workers or pure creativity to create lesson for young needy minds.

Lucky are the teachers who don’t have to worry about where their students will sleep at night, if they will eat, if they will survive until the next morning.

Lucky are the teachers who are not confidants to students who are mentally, physically or sexually abused.

Lucky are the teachers who will never have to look down into a pink lined casket at one of their most beautiful students.

Lucky are the teachers who will never have to speak over the phone to a student with a traumatic head wound, burns over 33% of their bodies or whose baby had just died at birth.

Lucky are the teachers who don’t receive letters from students recently incarcerated for most of their youthful adult lives.

Lucky are the teachers who don’t have to shed tears with the sexually confused students, the failing student or the student who just lost their parent to a drug overdose or worse, murder.

Lucky are the teachers who aren’t accidentally called “Mom”, or offered a couple of hundred dollars for their birthday by the student who only sells drugs to help out his family.

Lucky are the teachers who don’t have to wake up the 15 year old pregnant student in class, who is dead tired from being up with her ill 2 year old all night.

Blessed, however, are the teachers who laugh, cry and worry, with and for their students, who teach, parent, counsel, fuss, fight and defend their students.

Blessed are the teachers who reach beyond teaching and into caring and sharing and inspiring, for they shall inherit the most precious memories of a lifetime.

---- qp
(c) 6/2007

1 comment:

Wolf Lover Girl said...

Yes lucky those teachers. But also, lucky the kids who have you in their class as you really do care for them and for their education!

~ Wolf Lover Girl